atnwenth apmer-areny
animals – introduced
Christmas-el aker akarlirrkwely-irrkwely arlkwem.
At Christmas (we) eat turkey.
cow, cattle, bullock
id:6916 order:266
Pwelek atherr anterreyel arengk-kety.
Two cows are running away from the dog.
Yep-yep altepenh ilek-ilek mpwarem.
All kinds of things are made with sheep's wool.
chicken, rooster
id:6927 order:282
Tywek-tywek irrwey ingwepenh arlkem, atyekeley-angker.
Roosters sing out in the morning, (they) wake (us) up.
Rapetel alhweng ilkwa angernem.
Nanth amikw akwerrk-akert rtneyel.
A mother horse is standing there with a little one.