Thip arrkerran anngapwert. Alepey arlkwey-angker ra.
The barn owl has big eyes. It eats mice. arepeylp
bush thick-knee (Burhinus grallarius)
id:6970 order:337
Arepeylp angkeyel ingwelarl, 'Repeylpaw, repeylpaw!'
The thick-knee sings out in the night, 'Repeylpaw, repeylpaw!' nwerningk
tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)
id:6972 order:339
Thip nwerningkan ingwel arnwerirreyel.
The frogmouth hums at night. akwet-akwet
spotted nightjar (Eurostopodus argus)
id:6971 order:338
Akwet-akwet angkeyel ingwelarl.
The spotted nightjar sings out atÊnight. irrkwerrk
mopoke, boobook owl (Ninox novaeseelandia)
id:6969 order:336
Irrkwerrk angkeyel ingwel, 'Kwerrkaw, kwerrkaw!'
The mopoke sings out in the night, 'Kwerrkaw, kwerrkaw!' antyiper
id:6967 order:334
Antyiper rwenpel ingwel alkerelerrem.
Bats fly at night when it's hot.