thip kwaty-areny
water birds
Eurasian coot (Fulica atra)
id:6974 order:341
Irrtywernan rlwangkwarr arlterarl.
The coot has a white face.
black-tailed native hen (Gallinula ventralis)
id:6976 order:343
Iylartangartang alyarnp, nthakenh antwerrkey-angenh.
The native hen is fast, (you) can't grab (it).
Pacific black duck (Anas superciliosa)
id:6973 order:340
Tyepelyey kwatyel alheyel.
The teal swims around in the water.
white-necked heron (Ardea pacifica)
id:6975 order:342
Arlkwenth yanh irrenta! Irrarnkernewerr!
Hunt that heron away! It might cause a death!