Aherre-intenhe kwatyele itemele artwengkwelkenge alhewelhe-tyeke.
People with colds boil poverty bush leaves in water to wash themselves. arrkipere
sap from desert bloodwood tree (eucalyptus terminalis, opaca).
id:7596 order:459
Arrkipere-iperre kwatye utyene alhewelhetyeke.
Bloodwood sap mixed with water is used to wash sores. arratherrke
snake vine (tinospora smilacina)
id:7595 order:458
Arratherrke ake arntemele, tnerte arntemele, ayernelhenhe-alhenhe.
Snake vine can be wrapped around the head or the waist to relieve aches and pains. irlweke
native pine (callitris glaucophylla)
id:7585 order:448
Irlweke walye akerle rlkerte alhewelhemele mwerre-iletyeke.
You get the branches of pine trees and wash yourself to get better. amerterre
caustic weed, milk weed, mat spurge (euphorbia drummondii)
id:7582 order:444
Amerterrele alheweme ampe akweke artwekere-akerte.
Milk weed is used to wash children with boils. arrethe
hill fuchsia (eremophila freelingii)
id:7581 order:443
Utyene-akerte arrethele alhewelhemele mwerre-iletyeke.
People can wash their sores with hill fuchsia to get well.