ingwe-arenye areye
night creatures
mopoke, boobook owl (ninox novaeseelandia)
id:7494 order:322
Kwerrkwerrkele alknge kwarte akngerre atnyeneme.
The mopoke has really big eyeballs.
barn owl (tyto alba)
id:7493 order:320
Arrkerre ingwele angkenhe-angkenhe.
The barn owl calls out at night.
bush thick-knee (burhinus grallarius)
id:7495 order:323
Pmwilyare ingwele-ante arrateme akethele unthentye-akngerre.
The bush thick-knee comes out at night and wanders on the plain.
Antyipere ingwele-ante alkereke-irrentye-akngerre.
The bat only flies around at night.
tawny frogmouth (podargus strigoides)
id:7497 order:325
Thipe uringe arrakerte mpwaltye-arteke atnyeneme.
The tawny frogmouth has a mouth like a frog.
spotted nightjar (eurostopodus argus)
id:7496 order:324
Akwete-akwete ingwele-ante arratemele angkenhe-angkenhe.
The spotted nightjar only comes out at night and keeps singing out.