what’s it like?
fat, chubby, healthy
id:7759 order:654
Ampe akweke yanhe ayerte-ayerte akngerre anerle-aneme.
That chubby baby is sitting there.
Nhenhe ankerrthe akngerre-arle.
This is a big mountain lizard.
Ampe urreye akweke nhenhe urteke mangkeke.
This young boy has only grown up to be short.
Apmwe arlkenye-arlkenye-akerteke arelhetyeke.
Watch out for that stripy snake.
id:7763 order:659
Arne iterele tnerle-aneme iwerre arratyele.
The tree is standing at the side of the straight road.
curled up
id:7761 order:657
Apmwe yanhe lyarnte-lyarnte-irreme intemenge arelhaye!
Look out for that snake lying there curled up!