id:7421 order:229
Uternele ampeme angkethakwe-ante-irretyeke.
The sun is scorching and making him really thirsty.
id:7423 order:231
Tyampite yanhe kwatye-akerte tneme.
That billycan has water in it.
wash self
id:7420 order:226
Marle nhenhe iltye kwatyele alhewelheme.
This girl is washing her hands with water.
throw out, tip out, spill
id:7417 order:223
Arelhele kwatye altyiweme ahelheke.
The young woman is tipping water out onto the ground.
Tapenge-ntyele kwatye thelelheme.
The water is pouring out of the tap.
swim, dive into water
id:7418 order:224
Ampe atherre kwatyeke irrperle-anerreme.
The two kids are going for a swim.