conkerberry (carissa lanceolata)
id:7538 order:385
Arne aperlape ahelhe athethekele-ante lyapentye-akngerre.
Conkerberry trees only grow in red soil country.
native tomato (solanum ellipticum)
id:7545 order:394
Alperrantyeye mpenge-irrerlenge-ante arlkwetyeke.
People eat the native tomato only after it gets ripe.
bush tomato, wild raisin, bush sultana (solanum centrale)
id:7544 order:392
Katyerre apele ahelhe athetheke-ante lyapentye-akngerre.
The bush raisin plant only grows in red soil country.
bloodwood apple, gall on bloodwood
id:7548 order:398
Arrkirlpange-kwerle merne kwene-iperre arlkwenhe-arlkwenhe.
People eat the flesh from inside the bloodwood apple.
dead finish seeds (acacia tetragonophylla)
id:7547 order:397
Merne ntange arlketyerre alpmanthele itentye-akngerre.
The edible seeds of the dead finish tree are cooked in the hot ashes.
native pear (cynanchum floribundum)
id:7549 order:400
Angelthe lherele tnenhe-tnenhe arlpelhe-arlke arlkwentye akngerre.
Native pears grow beside creeks and you eat their leaves too.