Apwelantye ure kwertele ureke alkerele kereke untheme.
The black kite flies around in the smoke of a fire searching for food. irretye
kere alhetyalkwenhe
eaglehawk (aquila audax)
id:7489 order:315
Irretyele thakwere, kelyawe, uthnemele arlkwentye-akngerre.
The eaglehawk eats mice and lizards. alekapere
collared sparrowhawk (accipiter cirrhocephalus)
id:7488 order:314
Thipe akweke atere alhengke-iwemele alekapere renhe aremele.
Birds hide themselves when they see the sparrowhawk. irrkerlantye
brown falcon (falco berigora)
id:7490 order:317
Irrkerlantyele ingkelthelele thakwere inemele antirrkwerle.
The brown falcon grabs mice with its claws.