tjuḻpu kukaputju tjuṯa

birds of prey

collared sparrowhawk (Accipiter cirrhocephalus)

id:9841 order:359

Kirikinpa kuka wakantjikitja wala winki tjaṟuringkupai.
In order to catch its prey the sparrowhawk descends upon it very quickly.
wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax)

id:9842 order:360

Waḻawurungku kukaku paṯalpai munu nyakula wala winkingku wakalkatipai.
The wedge-tailed eagle waits for its prey (up in the sky) and when it sees (something) it very quickly (descends) and grabs it in mid flight.
grey falcon (Falic hopoleuscos)

id:9843 order:361

Wiiny-wiinypa palu puṟunypaṯu kukaputju kuka ngurira mungartjiripai.
The grey falcon is also a hunter spending its day looking for prey.
black or fork-tailed kite (Milvus migrans)

id:9844 order:362

Iṯaṯuṟa palu puṟunypaṯu tinka, tjati, mutinka, liru kuḻu wakaṟa ngalkupai.
The fork-tailed kite likewise catches and eats goannas, lizards, skinks and snakes.