takataka uṟutja grey teal (?) (Anas gracilis) id:9851 order:372 Takataka tjuṯa pitjala tjintjiṟangka nyinapai kuwari puyintjitjangka. Ducks come and sit on the (water) in claypans after it’s rained.
tapaṟangu white-necked heron (?) (Ardea pacifica) id:9852 order:374 Tapaṟangu uṟungka para-ngaṟapai munu kuka kuyi ngalkupai. The white-necked heron walks around in the water and eats worms.
tjuṉatjaḻiḻi black-tailed native hen, waterhen (Gallinula ventralis) id:9853 order:375 Tjuṉatjaḻiḻi uṟu tjuṉutjuṉu-tjarangka nyinara tjarpara parari ma-pakalpai. The waterhen, which lives in water with reeds, can go (dive) under (the water) and come up a long way off.