squeeze out
id:7106 order:508
Arelhel aker atnalty ipeyel.
The woman is squeezing muck out of the guts.
winnow seeds (in coolamon)
id:7108 order:510
Arelh ampwel ntang aymperneyel arlengarrel.
The old woman is yandying seeds in a coolamon.
husk seeds with feet
id:7110 order:514
Arelhel ntang iylweyel atnemel alernelhemel.
The woman is husking seeds with her feet leaning on her digging stick.
small round grinding stone
id:7112 order:517
Ntang atheyel apwert tyengel.
(We) are grinding seeds with a small round grinding stone.
flat grinding stone
id:7111 order:516
Amikw tyeng-then atheyew-arelh.
The flat stone and the round stone are (used) for grinding.
winnow seeds
id:7109 order:512
Arelhel atherr ntang ilkantheyel rwarr-warl.
The two old women are winnowing seeds into the wind.