Artwa rnteyel kwetar-akert.
The man has a ceremonial headdress on. arlperrng-atwelheyel
beat rhythm on lap with hands
id:6791 order:80
Arelh arlperrng-atwelheyel.
The woman is beating the rhythm on her lap with her hands. althart
type of ceremony
id:6787 order:76
Artwa rntweyel althartek.
The man is dancing the althart ceremony. rntweyel
id:6792 order:81
Arelh atherr awelyek rntweyel.
The two women are dancing women's awely ceremonies. awely
women's ceremony and ceremonial designs
id:6789 order:78
Arelh ampwel awely ingkwerneyel kwey akely-warl.
The old woman is painting ceremonial designs on the little girl. iyterlarr
women's ceremonial headband
id:6790 order:79
Arelh iyterlarr arrernelhem anthepek rntweteyek.
The woman puts on a ceremonial headband so that she can dance.