Arelhele merne rtampe atheme.
The woman is kneading the damper.
brush off by hitting
id:7643 order:512
Arelhele walyele merne lernemele atweme.
The woman is brushing off the damper with a branch.
Ampe nhenhe atherrele merne mpenge arlkwerle-anerreme.
There two kids are eating the cooked damper.
Arelhele merne mpenge ultakeme arlkwetyeke.
The woman is breaking the cooked damper to eat.
Arelhe nhenhele merne ntange apwerte arturtele ulpe-ileme.
This woman is grinding up edible seeds with a grinding stone.
husk seeds with feet
id:7636 order:504
Arelhe nhenhele ntange artetye ingkele irrtnye-iweme.
The woman is husking the mulga seeds with her feet.