rlkele alheme
going hunting
Arelhe nhenhe urltampeke ankerrutneke arne ilepele atweme.
This woman is chopping the tree with an axe looking for sugarbag.
Arelhe nhenhe atherrele tyape tnyematye tnyerle-anerreme.
These two women are digging for witchetty grubs.
Arelhe nhenhele katyerre akeme.
This woman is picking bush raisins.
digging stick
id:7618 order:484
Arelhe nhenhe iltyele atneme atnyeneme.
This woman is holding the digging stick in her hand.
sand goanna
id:7617 order:483
Arelhe nhenhele kere arlewatyerre atweke-arle-ipenhe arntirrkweme.
This woman is holding the goanna after killing it.
track something
id:7616 order:482
Arelhe ampwele ingkenteme kere arlewatyerre impatye.
The old woman is following the goanna tracks.