grub from branch of river red gum
id:7603 order:466
Ingwenenge apele tyape apere-arenye.
Ingwenenge is the grub that lives in river red gums.
witchetty grub
id:7600 order:463
Tyape antyematye tyampiteke-arleke arrerneke.
Someone put the witchetty grubs in the tin.
grub from river red gum (possibly trictena argentata)
id:7602 order:465
Apere artekerrengentyele tyape ahernenge ineme kwatye iperre.
You get grubs from the river red gum from the gum tree roots after rain.
grub from anthill, ant bed, termite hill
id:7601 order:464
Ingkwepeye ultakemele tyape tyarre-inetyeke.
You chop the top off the anthill to get the grub out.
Arelhe atherrele tyape atnyematyeke tnyerle-anerreme.
The two women are digging for witchetty grubs.
tap the ground to listen for a hollow sound
id:7598 order:461
Arelhele atnemele tyape atnyematyeke tyere-weme.
The woman is tapping with her stick looking for witchetty grubs.