Artwe nhenhe mwekarte-akerte tnerle-aneme.
This man is standing there with a hat on.
Arelhe akarelhemele tnerle-aneme.
The woman is standing there waiting.
teenage boy
id:7255 order:7
Ampe apmerrke yanhe areye puteweke tnerrirreme.
Those teenage boys are standing there for a photo.
teenage girl
id:7254 order:6
Arelhe awenke anyente-akerte tnerle-anerreme.
The two of them are standing there with the teenage girl.
Urreye akweke yanhe atherreme.
The young boy is smiling.
Iwenhe marle akweke yanhele arnterre arepe-areme?
What is that little girl is staring at?