tjuratja, wama

sweet things

desert thryptomene (Thryptomene maisonneuvii)

id:9916 order:462

Puṉu wapuṯi alipala wirangka pungkula kapi tjuratja mimpungka tjaṟuwaṉipai.
Early in the morning one would beat the desert thryptomene with a digging scoop causing the sweet dew to fall into a water-carrying bowl.
honey dew, sweet secretion found on the red lac scale on mulga branches

id:9910 order:455

Kurkunytjungu tjuratja wiṟu aṉangu tjuṯangku kuuntjankupai.
Honey dew is a lovely sweet substance that people suck on.
corkwood (Hakea chordophylla)

id:9911 order:456

Witjinti inuntjingka tjuratja ngaṟapai minangka tjunyiṟa tjikintjaku.
There is sweet nector in the corkwood flower that one mixes with water and drinks.
honey grevillea (Grevillea juncifolia ssp. juncifolia)

id:9912 order:457

Uḻṯukunpa witjinti puṟunypa tjuratja wiṟunya tjunyiṟa tjikilpaiṯu.
Honey grevillea, like corkwood, has sweet nector that one mixes (with water) and similarly drinks.
honeyant (Camponotus sp.)

id:9913 order:459

Tjaḻa manta unngu nyinapai piṯi puḻka tjawaṟa urantjaku tjuratja wiṟunya.
Honey ants live under the ground such that one has to dig a big hole to get them, those lovely sweet things.
honey grevillea (Gevillea eriostachya)

id:9914 order:460

Kaliny-kalinypa puṉu mutumutu tjuratjatjara wiṟu mulapa tjunyiṟa tjikilpai.
The honey grevillea is a small bush with (lots of) honey (in the flowers) that one mixes with water and drinks.