utneye Aheyenenhele thipe rname-arenye arlkwenhe-arlkwenhe.
Woma snakes eat birds that live in the grass. ahate
desert death adder (acanthopis pyrrus)
id:7512 order:348
Ahatwe arlkenye apwerte-arteke alhengke-iwelhentye akngerre.
The death adder disguises itself by becoming the same colour as the rock. arlure
gecko (crenadactylus ocellatus and diplodactylus byrnei )
id:7506 order:341
Aterele-anthetyalaye! Arlurele utyewe ilentye-akngerre.
Don't frighten it! People say that if you muck around with geckos they can make you skinny. ulhelke
blue-tongue lizard (tiliqua sp.)
Arntetherrke urternenge arrateme thakwere arlkwenhe-arlkwenhe.
Carpet snakes come out in warm weather and they eat mice. arlantye
bicycle lizard (diporiphora and lophognathus)
id:7507 order:342
Arlantye kwatyeke akwirrentye akngerre.
The bicycle lizard waves one of its front legs to indicate that rain is coming.