iwenhe unte mpwareme?

what are you making?

peep from behind something

id:7704 order:586

Arelhe ampwele warlenge atyernemele areme.
The old woman is peeping out from the side of the house.
untyele akngeme
carry on shoulder

id:7703 order:585

Arelhe nhenhele ampe urreye akweke untyele akngeme.
This woman is carrying the small boy on her shoulders.
scratch self

id:7705 order:587

Akngwelye tnyelheme ahentye irrke-rlenge.
The dog is scratching its itchy neck.

id:7689 order:570

Arelhele tyampite arrerneme ureke-arleke urinpe-irretyeke.
The woman is putting the billycan on the fire to heat it up.
artepele akngeme
carry on back

id:7702 order:584

Mikwele artepele akngeme ampe akweke-arle apurrke-irrerlenge.
The mother is carrying her child on her back because he got tired.
put in, put something in something

id:7688 order:569

Arelhele ingkwerlpe ikwerenhe yakwetheke akwerneme.
The woman is putting her tobacco into the bag.