iwenhe unte mpwareme?
what are you making?
Arelhe nhenhele ingkwerlpe-iperre pelhe-iweme.
The woman is spitting after chewing pituri
feed someone or something
id:7678 order:554
Mikwele ampe akweke wanteme.
The mother is feeding her child.
Arelhe nhenhele pipenge ampe areye akaltyele-antheme.
This woman is teaching the kids from a book.
Marle nhenhele ampe akweke anyanemele rlture-iweme.
The girl is affectionately kissing the child.
telling stories on the ground.
id:7672 order:546
Arelhe nhenhele ayeye mane-manele impatye-ileme.
This woman is telling stories on the ground using a special stick..
lick or suck
id:7679 order:555
Ampe marle nhenhele ngkwarle urltampe awantyeme.
This girl is sucking on wild honey.