iwenhe unte mpwareme?
what are you making?
stalked puffball (podaxis pistillaris)
id:7694 order:575
Apweke-apwekele urreye arralte apernelhentye akngerre.
Boys paint beards on themselves with puffballs.
clean up
id:7686 order:566
Arelhe nhenhele rake-le akethelhe-ileme.
The woman is cleaning up with a rake.
use hand signs
id:7671 order:545
Arelhe iltyeme-iltye ileme, 'Anyente re alheke'.
The woman is using hands signs to say that, 'One went by himself'.
collect, gather
id:7684 order:563
Arelhe nhenhele mantere mape kutyeme.
This woman is gathering up the clothes.
hang something up
id:7685 order:564
Arelhe nhenhele mantere mape arlpare arrerneme.
This woman is hanging up the clothes.
say, speak, talk
id:7670 order:544
Marle wenke nhenhe telephone-nge angkeme.
This girl is talking on the telephone.